“Copied relative clauses and the theory of phi-feature mismatches in binding”, Itai Bassi, 08.01.2025.
“Deverbal discourse markers. An overview”, Stefan Schneider (University of Graz), 24.01.2025.
“Linguistic characteristics of bimodal bilingual code-blending: Evidence from acceptability judgments”, Diane Lillo-Martin, 13.05.2024.
“Syntax of gender features”, Ivona Kučerová (McMaster University), 31.05.2024.
LingCor2024: 3rd International Workshop on Spoken Corpus Linguistics,, 25.–26.07.2024.
“Workshop on Statistics”, Vladimir Buskin (KU Eichstätt), 16.-17.10.2024.
“New approaches to clitics in Romance and beyond”, Pilar Barbosa (Universidade do Minho), Elena Anagnostopoulou (University of Crete & IMS-FORTH), Alejo Alcaraz (University of the Basque Country), Dalina Kallulli (UVienna), Juan Uriagereka (University of Maryland), 20.09.2024.
“Conditions on bound indexicals: Focus, subjecthood and agreement”, Tom Meadows, 13.11.2024.
“Impersonalità e univerbazione: un processo di formazione di segnali discorsivi in siciliano”, Silvio Cruschina (University of Helsinki) 25.11.2024 (BA/MA seminar Remberger).
“Syntax of prominence”, Sašo Živanović (University of Ljubljana), 11.12.2024.
“Tense and Quantification”, Daniel Büring, 21.11.2024.
"Pronouns in PPs: Orphan Prepositions and Pronoun Types", 05.12.2024 (
“Adentro and là-dedans: inside deictic prepositions with null complements in Spanish and French”, Michelle Troberg (Toronto), 05.12.2024.
“Bare prepositions and the issue of ellipsis: some hints from Martinican Creole”, Anne Zribi-Hertz (Paris), Loïc Jean-Louis (Paris), 05.12.2024.
Els pronoms del català / Pronouns in Catalan (Jornades de Lingüística Catalana a Viena),, 12.12.2024.
“Pronoun use in metalepsis”, Daniel Altshuler (Oxford), 12.12.2024.